About the Publishing House

  • Kategoria: Uncategorised
  • Odsłony: 3032

The Publishing House of the State University of Applied Sciences in Włocławek (abbr. PANS) is a university-wide organizational unit. The main task of the Publishing House is to publish scientific and didactic works of the University employees - monographs, textbooks, academic books and conference proceedings. It also publishes two scientific journals - “Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne” (“Civilization Rapprochements”) and “Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie i Naukach o Zdrowiu” (“Innovations in Nursing and Health Sciences”). The Publishing House is managed by the Editor-in-Chief, and the directions of activities, strategy or the annual publishing plan are consulted with the Publishing Council, which is the advisory body of His Magnificence the Rector of PANS. The members of the Publishing Council are:

    •  Beata Haor, PhD – Chairwoman of the Publishing Council
    •  Krzysztof Czarnecki, PhD – Editor-in-Chief
    •  Alfred Lutrzykowski, Assoc. Prof.
    •  Monika Kamper-Kubańska, PhD
    •  Małgorzata Karolewska-Szparaga, PhD
    •  Robert Ślusarz, Assoc. Prof.
    •  Ireneusz Koepke, PhD

The subject of scientific publications, including monographs, reflects the research interests of the University's employees and corresponds with the fields of study. The monographs published in recent years focus on several main research areas. The first is the issues of broadly understood public administration, municipal government, modern management in communes, counties and voivodeships, local government finances. These issues are analyzed primarily through the prism of applicable legal regulations, however, they are not limited to the works created only by lawyers or administrators. Scientific reflection in this area is enriched by the thoughts of representatives of science of politics and security. Striving for the broadest possible exchange of views and strengthening international cooperation, among the co-authors of the monographs include researchers from countries such as Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia and Turkey. The launch of the uniform master's degree in law at PANS in 2019 is an impulse for further internationalization of the publishing process and expansion of the range of monographic publications with legal positions containing the results of research in individual branches of the legal system. The second important subject area of scientific monographs published by the Publishing House of PANS are health sciences, with particular emphasis on nursing care. Also in this dimension, the emerging works take into account the participation of foreign Authors. The third key sphere is the humanities, especially pedagogy. It should be added that the Publishing House of PANS also publishes two titles of scientific journals. These are "Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne", the first issue of which was published in 2006, and "Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie i Naukach o Zdrowiu", which has been published since 2016. Both journals are published in the Open Access formula. The offer of the Publishing House is complemented by textbooks, academic books and practice materials, applicable in the didactic process not only at the State University of Applied Sciences in Włocławek.

The principles of publication ethics apply to all reviewed scientific monographs or monographs published by the Publishing House, as well as scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences. All parties involved in the publication process (publisher, editor of a peer-reviewed scientific monograph or a monograph edited by scientists, editor of a scientific journal, reviewer and author) are required to familiarize themselves with the standards of publishing ethics applied at the Publishing House. In the publishing process, the Publishing House of the State University of Applied Sciences in Włocławek applies the principles of publication ethics resulting from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Texts submitted to the Publishing House should be original and free from such acts as plagiarism or self-plagiarism. The Publishing House sends publications to selected reviewers who prepare their reviews in written form.

In order to meet the global tendencies to publish academic achievements in free access, since 2010 the Publishing House has been cooperating with the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Digital Library, on the platform of which it publishes its digitized publications. Some of them are also available on the Publisher's website. Selected monographic publications are provided with electronic identifiers in the form of DOI numbers. In its activities, the Publishing House is guided by high standards of publishing ethics, has developed review procedures and a formalized system for dealing with the manuscript - from the author's application to the distribution of the printed book. The latest initiative, implemented jointly with the Library of PANS, is the construction of an electronic repository of research data, scientific papers and other materials helpful in research or the didactic process.
